Our school, Mugla American Culture College, has started one more eTwinning project. It’s called ‘’ZERO WASTE AT HOME’’. This project has started in our school under the guidance of teacher SAFIYE AKKAS. It was realized with 6th graders. This project was carried out with 1 North Macedonia, 2 Spain, 1 Poland, 1 Serbia, 2 Romania and 6 Turkish partners. This project aims to instill waste awareness in students aged 12-15. Students will explain the difference between waste and garbage and the importance of recycling. In this context, various activities will be organized and students will contribute to recycling and thus fight against global climate change.
1. Gaining Awareness and Raising Environmental Awareness: The importance of recycling to students, by giving information about the protection of natural resources, waste reduction and environmental impacts, the environment awareness is aimed to be developed. This information is provided through presentations, videos, games and interactive activities. through recycling.
2. Adopting Recycling Habits: Students can adopt recycling habits in their daily lives. Practical suggestions can be offered to adopt recycling habits. Recycling at home and at school organization of recycling bins, making recycling signs visually prominent steps such as the introduction of a new program can help to achieve this goal
3. Developing the Ability to Sort Waste Correctly: Students are given practical knowledge on how to sort waste correctly. Students are guided on how to sort and recycle different materials such as organic waste, paper and cardboard, plastic, glass and metal.
4. Supporting Active Participation and Collaboration Skills: Students are given opportunities to participate in recycling projects. They are encouraged to develop cooperation and responsibility skills by participating in activities such as recycling events, waste collection days or recycling campaigns at school or in the community.
5. Ensuring Understanding of Environmental Impacts: By following the recycling process and examining the environmental impacts of recycling, students are helped to understand the effects of waste on nature. Recycling saves resources, energy and greenhouse gas emissions. environmental benefits such as mitigation are emphasized.
Expected Results
Students will learn more about the importance of recycling and become more environmentally conscious. Activities can encourage students to involve their families and communities in recycling, thus increasing recycling awareness throughout the community. Students' recycling-related activities can create environmental awareness and impact at school, in the local community and even on a wider scale. This can promote a more sustainable lifestyle in the long run.
Our school, Private Mugla Tac Primary School, has started one more eTwinning project. It’s called ‘’I AM IN TOO’’. This project has started in our school under the guidance of teacher CANSU MESE. It was realized with 2nd graders. This project was carried out with 1 Portugal, 2 Greece and 4 Turkish partners.
In our project, our students will learn about children's rights by doing activities such as painting, music, posters, brochures, interviews, trips, observations, etc. In addition, each country will present their own children's holidays and activities related to children's days to their peers.
*Our students will learn about their rights
*They will learn through practicing
* They will learn how to interview
* They will interact with their peers
* Foreign language development will be provided
* They will learn to use Web 2.0 tools
Expected Results;
Our final product will be a product determined by the ideas of our partners and implemented by all of us in cooperation.
Our school, Mugla American Culture College, has started one more eTwinning project. Our eTwinning project named "I Specially Protect The Ecological Balance", in which we aim to protect the nature and ecological balance by protecting our natural resources and using them efficiently by reusing limited resources instead of producing new ones, has started in our school under the guidance of teacher Burcu Unveren.
Protect Wildlife, Take a Step for the Future!
In our eTwinning project "I Specially Protect The Ecological Balance", our students, who aim to protect the ecological balance, designed bird nests and bird feeders for birds within the scope of the project as an activity of March. In the event where original designs created using recyclable objects came to the fore; our students brought bird nests and feeders together with nature.
Our seed capsules meet with nature. As a new activity in our I specially protect the ecological balance etwinning project; We set out for our future and ecological balance with the slogan; Let's not trap our seeds in plastic bags! Our students collected the seeds of the fruits and vegetables, which they had eaten before, instead of throwing them away and made seed capsules with recycled paper. They brought the capsules together with nature. Now it's time to watch them sprout after the rain...
Our theme for May is "Water Pollution". We wanted to draw attention to the pollution of water basins such as lakes, rivers, oceans, seas and groundwater, and to use the language of art to convey a message and raise awareness of the issue. We designed a whale figure, one of the sea creatures, with a creative work using waste materials with our students.
E-twinning ulusal eğitim ağı ile ilişkilendirilmiş olarak Ortak bir karar sonucu Kültürlerimizin güzelliklerini fark ettirmek ve öğrencilerimize farklı kültürlerinde var olduğu bilinci kazandırmak için “Benim Kültürüm ve Senin Kültürün ”adlı projemizi uygulamaya karar verdik.. Proje ekibinde iki kurucu üye ile birlikte toplam 9 kişi görev almıştır. Üyelerin ülkelere dağılımı Türkiye 4, İspanya1 ,Yünanistan1, Romanya1 Letonya 1,Belçika1 olarak belirlenmiştir.
Proje Özel Muğla Taç İlkokulu ve diğer okullar ile eş zamanlı olarak uygulanmıştır. Projenin etki alanını Özel Muğla Taç İlkokulu Halkoyunları kulübü öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Etkinlikleri bireysel ve grup çalışmaları şeklinde Halkoyunları kulüp saatinde uygulandı. .
Öğrencilerin teknolojiye yakınlaşmalarını ve eğlenerek öğrenmeleri sağlamak amacıyla etkinliklerimizde web2 araçlarını kullandık. Geleneksel yemeklerimiz, Geleneksel Danslarımız, Geleneksel Kıyafetlerimiz ve Kültürel Yerlerimiz etkinliğimiz ile öğrencilerimiz kendi yaptığı araştırmalar sonucu edindiği bilgileri hem sınıfta hem de hazırladığımız panolar ile kendi akranlarıyla paylaşma fırsatı buldular. Bu sayede hem kendileri öğrendi hem de arkadaşlarına öğretme fırsatı bularak bilgi havuzu oluşturdular. etkinlikleri okuldaki öğretmenleri ve arkadaşları ile paylaşarak farklı kültürlerin ve kendi kültürümüzün farklılık ve benzerliklerine dikkat çekmiştir ve bu sayede bilgiyi yaygınlaştırmayı hedeflemişlerdir.
Yapılan dijital Etkinliler oyun tabanlı öğrenme, web tabanlı öğrenme, internet tabanlı öğrenme ve proje tabanlı öğrenme ile gerçekleşti.. Proje ekibi olarak işbirlikçi (kubaşık) öğrenmeye dayalı görev ve sorumluluklar oluşturulmuştur. Görev dağılımı, ortak okullarla yapıldı ve toplantılarla belirlendi. Ayrıca projenin twinspace sayfalar kısmı tarafımca oluşturuldu ve iş takvimi aylık olarak hazırlandı. Proje kuralları, ortak okullarla kararlaştırıldı. Projeye ortak olan her ülkenin Kültürel çeşitliğine göre etkinlikler, takvime eklendi. Proje ekibi düzenli periyotlarda Zoom ve watsup üzerinden ekip çalışması ve danışma şeklinde çalışmalarını sürdürdü.
Çoklu zeka kuramı ile ilişkilendirilmiş bir şekilde hazırlanmış bu proje çerçevesinde ilk olarak projede yer alacak öğretmenler belirlenmiştir. Öğretmenlere ve velilere proje ilk anketi uygulanmıştır. Yapılan tüm çalışmalar öğrenciler ve öğretmenler tarafından diğer öğretmen, öğrenci ve velilere sunulmuştur. Son test anketinin bitirilmesiyle sayısal veriler elde edilmiştir. Bu veriler ışığında tekrar ne gibi eklemelerin yapılabileceği grup tartışmasına açılmıştır. Bu dönütler ışığında proje sonlandırılmadan önce projeye katılan öğrencilerin duygu ve düşünceleri alınmıştır. Bu kapsamda bize öğrenciler hakkında geri dönüt elde etmiş olundu.
Our school, Mugla American Culture College, has started one more eTwinning project. It’s called ‘’LIFE IN NATURE’’. This project has started in our school under the guidance of teacher CANSU MESE. It was realized with 3rd graders. This project was carried out with 1 North Macedonia, 2 Azerbaijan, 1 Romania and 8 Turkish partners. This eTwinning project will provide an opportunity for students of the 6-9 age group to get to know nature decently (plants, animals ) and aims to develop versatile skills through integration between many different courses.
1) The students will be able to compare the conditions necessary for plants and animals to live.
2) The students will be able to realize the importance of growing plants and feeding animals.
3) The students will be able to contribute to recycling with the consumed substances.
4) The students will be able to recognize natural phenomena.
5) The students will be able to give examples of natural disasters.
6) The students will be able to explain the measures that can be taken against natural events and natural disasters.
1) Increasing self-esteem skills
2) Communication, creativity and cooperation skills develop
3) Increasing cultural understanding with students from different countries 4) Knows the living conditions of plants and animals
5) Realizes the importance of raising plants and animals
6) Realizes the importance of recycling
7) Gives examples of natural disasters
8) Explains the formation of natural phenomena
9) Explains the measures that can be taken against natural disasters.